Episode 6: The Women's March - It's Complicated

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[00:00] Introduction

[1:00] The third Women’s March has officially been scheduled for January 19, 2019. We thought now would be the perfect time to discuss our feelings on the marches: it’s complicated!

[1:28] Where Amanda, Sarah, and Christina were for the first Women’s March (not there), and why. It was never about uniting all women.

[9:35] There were so many reasons to be skeptical of the march. But even over the last couple of years...that list has grown.

[11:00] One march in California has already been cancelled for being too white… https://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/eureka-local-news/organizers-cancel-womens-march-jan-19-due-to-overwhelmingly-white-participants  

[12:00] What has the Women’s March movement accomplished in the last two years, if anything? Random protests...Day Without a Woman strike… There’s no clarity on what defines “women’s rights”.

[16:20] Whatever you do, don’t try to call the organizers out. If you do, you’ll get labeled a white nationalist.


[22:30] Will identity politics do the movement in?

[27:10] David Brooks explains in the New York Times:

[30:30] Something else worth reading:Tablet Magazine does a deep dive on the Women’s March https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/276694/is-the-womens-march-melting-down

[31:05] Why talking about all of this really does matter. The Women’s March doesn’t speak for ALL women, and it’s important to say so.